Friday, January 30, 2004

How many minx does it take for you to look sexually ambiguous?

Recently I've spotted a number of middle-aged men walking down the street in full length fur coats. Feel pretty safe in identifying this as a fashion no, or at least until puffy red crowns, the pope's enormous oval headgear, and Burger King's cardboard tiaras become all the rage.
What's the appeal? Don't come at me with the warmth argument ("Bears," a woman at the restaurant said, "do not get cold.") cause a down ski jacket with a shell and a fleece lining would do the trick. And you could always try that crazy thing called a hat.
Do they feel majestic in these regal, bulk inducing pelts? Powerful looking like Sabertooth of X-men fame? Are they fed up with women causing a scene while they're stuck sporting flourescent ties to make a fashion splash? Or is it just that when it comes to sheer extravagence, demonstration of obscene wealth, and total disregard for ethical concerns nothing beats a huge, fly, fur Chinchilla?


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