More TK (not on this topic)
So, it's been over a month.
I want to go on record saying I never saw another episode of “Chaotic” and stopped even wishing I had after the 2nd one. Watching one was worth it though.
I don’t want to overstate here, and I don’t want to keep talking about this, so I’m going to very vaguely flesh out this thoughtlet, disavow responsibility, and have that be that.
It goes something like- the rise of Spears’ offensiveness correlates exactly with her rejection of status and middle class values. Back in the day when she was white trash from Louisiana, she nevertheless aspired to, if never attained, taste and class: sporting Versace gowns, being sweet and polite, rocking an equally polite and attractive boyfriend. Even through she didn’t really pull this whole act off, you could like her while she failed, because deep down, like any proper American, you could get behind her desire, essentially to jump her class (or less annoyingly stated, back then she wanted things most of us would want if given a ton of money, nice clothes, a nice house for your parents, vacations with your boyfriend). But, Britney, unlike just about everyone else, pulled an about face and totally rejected the trappings of a higher class, forgoing taste and respectability for cheetos, flip flops, red-bull, and our derision.
Given the choice, she simply decided she’d rather be trash than not, which doesn’t make sense to me even as I write it, but I think, secretly, might be kind of awesome. Basically, I think this boils down to Britney Spears: Class Warrior, which is, well, about 500 million dollars beyond making any kind of sense.