Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Chaps anyone?

No one should have to work this week. But here I am, at work, most definitely not working. Quick run down on events occurring around me in slow motion. 1) Steady dwindling of chocolate covered pretzel supply. We got a ridiculous (last week's Times discussed "the year in words" and ridonkulous, in about 20 spellings, including ridinkulous, which uh, not quite, made the list, along with backdoor draft (which, contextless is a very, very funny phrase) and spim (It's over. I'm already my parents. The paper of record had to explain slang to me). Seeing ridonkulous on paper made me hate it. Look how Ugly it is.) amount of food from cable networks and there was a smorgasbord of cookies, nuts, fruits, crappy chocolates all week. And Danish sugar cookies which I have inexplicable love for. If you spend eight hours next to cookies, you can say no three out of four times and you'll still end up eating about 20 before the day is done. So the supply of choco-pretzels (all that remains of the bounty) is moving from the table to my belly in a timely fashion. I expect to finish on my way out the door. 2) The girl in a cubicle the next aisle over is singing. She obviously wants to be heard because it's very loud and sound carries here. It's like she wants us to "know" she has a good voice, and maybe stop by her cubicle and tell her so. Instead we sit here and snicker and throw pretzels. 3) My neighbor cubicle just told me a story about the subway, which is the craziest subway story I've ever heard. That's quite a thing in and of itself, but when you hear the story it's even crazier because it shouldn't be crazy at all. Ok, so rainy day on the F train, post rush hour boom, but still full. Woman walks in wearing a business suit and sneakers, string of pearls, and big leather tote. Very Ann Taylor, Yuppie outfit. Clearly employed as like an accountant or ad sales exec at respectable firm. She looks around and there are no seats, so she SITS DOWN ON THE FLOOR OF THE CAR, takes out some M & Ms, eats them, and waits for her stop. What's crazy about this story is that I have never, ever seen anyone sit on the floor of the subway. And given what I have seen people do on the subway, why not that? People sit on the sidewalk, they sit on the floor in Barnes and Noble, people sit everywhere, dirty or clean. But not a one of the totally insane people, the punk-rock teens, the giggly 14-year olds, or any one else ever sits on the floor of a subway car. 4) I saw 54 movies this year. Coincidentally, I also read 54 books.


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