Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Big homo love

Also, I think maybe Big Love is about gay marriage. It's been created by two gay men and I bet they were sitting around one day, getting so pissed off that no one will let them get married, and then they started riffing on the idea that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Like, "If marriage between a man and a woman is so amazingly awesome and superior, why wouldn't a man want to marry lots of women, so he could have so much more awesomeness? You'd think that'd be better, right? But you watch..." Or maybe, "If marriage between a man and a woman is so amazingly awesome and superior, why wouldn't a man want to marry lots of women, so he could have so much more awesomeness? You'd think that'd be better, right? Well it is. Just watch." Either way, messing with standard relationships.


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