Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Smart start

So if you had to pick a movie to watch on the subway on your way to work how far down on the list would be “Constantine?” Or, in non-leading question format, where on your list would be “Constantine”? He wouldn’t make my list. Watching that before work seems like waking up and drinking a can of Coke before you brush your teeth. Or, in other words, not a healthy way to start the day. Keanu Reeves is not a healthy way to start your day- I’ll stand by that as fact. But, despite this, some dude was watching him fight a gollum/gargoyle/gremlin on the subway this morning.
Other annoying things people have done with personal listening devices over the weekend: drunk, sloe-eyed, slouchy, dirty/sexy18-year old who can’t keep his hands off his annoyingly attractive, poser girlfriend, so they slow-movingly make out in a restaurant packed with screaming people while he listens to his ipod. While they are having a conversation. While they are making out.
Another teenager, strapped into a pinwheel shaped carnival ride, doing upside down 360s 30 feet in the air, with headphones, the big kind, strapped onto his head. Partially excused because he was maybe trying to block out very bad faux-80s song playing in the area, but that’s taken back for egregious safety violations.


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