Monday, May 16, 2005


I premise this post by saying this blog’s new tagline should be, all verbal diarrhea, all the time. But that’s gross. Though I’ve argued before that if, say, you were an alien, watching someone eat would be as disgusting as watching them shit (see that eggs and beans scene in “Layercake,” a totally avoidable movie, if you don’t just instinctually understand me) except that food smells better than shit and we’ve been socialized to look at mouths and not assholes. Gay joke TK. Obviously the fact that the first step to this argument was, “if you’re an alien” makes it totally bogus, but I hope you take the gut meaning of my point, that mouths can be nasty, so the phrase verbal diarrhea shouldn’t freak anyone out too much. Not that it did. Sigh. Like I was saying, all the time people, all the time.
Point being, I turned off my comments. The primary reason for this is that I, apparently, share with Stephanie Tanner an overpowering dislike for rudeness. No one could be more surprised about this than me, given that I’m basically the rudest person I know. My manners, particularly of the table kind, are terrible, and my manners of the social kind skew towards the tactless, but at the very least I’m not obnoxious to people that I don’t know. That’s as it should be. If I believed in bumper stickers I’d slap a big ol’ “People Who Are Rude To Strangers Suck” tag right next to my Jesus fish and ride off into the sunset. This is all to say, basically the only people leaving comments were strangers who were always weird and sometimes rude, so I turned them off.


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