Monday, May 08, 2006

toenail teeth

At dinner tonight I realized I was only wearing one earring and got bummed that I’d lost the other somewhere on Houston Street. I just got home and found it on my desk. Which means I’d only put one on before walking out of the house this afternoon. I also forgot my cell phone and had to come back upstairs to get it. All this because I had just woken up from a highly unnecessary nap, motivated about 85% by boredom and 15% by not wanting to read anymore about the terrible white men who fucked everything up in the Congo. King Leopold’s Ghost has been pretty good thus far (100 plus pages in) even while entirely burying the lede, which in this case is the horror, oh the horror, of what happened there. He’s basically banking on Heart of Darkness to carry the atrocities across. Also, let’s think about how Ivory is kind of like elephants’ toenails—a solid substance secreted by their body. Funny what humans can convince themselves they want and need.


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