Monday, March 15, 2004

Wrangling with the bull

So I listened to three interviews with various reality show "stars" today and it was fine, I was doing okay, until the last one said, "It's like I always say, quality counts more than quantity," mirroring the first exclaiming "I always say, you've gotta take the bull by it's horns" and the second remarking "you know, I say, live and let live." At which point I threw my headphones down on the desk and stalked off to the vending machine for a twix.
I'm a big believer in the power of cliches. They got to be overused for a reason. And, maybe "It's like I say" is the required introduction to such trite sentiments. But I don' think there's anything wrong with "It's like they always say" or if you really want to claim it, "it's like we all say." Or even, really, to sound as though you're teasing yourself, and laughing through "it's like 'I always say'..."
But there is something wrong with earnestly implying that the banalities plopping out of your mouth are in any way original when that could not possibly be the case. It's not like you always say, it's like EVERYONE always says.
Maybe I'm reading into this because these are the kind of ego-maniacs that go on reality shows in the first place. Maybe regular people do this too. They should stop. Only the phoniest, boringest, annoyingest person alive could unabashedly utter such drivel. And how is one supposed to react? Stare blankly or think "Wow contestant #4, that is really profound. I hadn't ever quite looked at it that way, but now that you mention it, I should just buy those Blahniks. Though I could probably buy 15 other pairs of shoes instead, not to mention food for a month, it's the quality, and not the quantity! that counts. Thanks for giving me a whole new perspective!"


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