Friday, July 30, 2004

And why are they the cookie of AYSO halftime?

I just made instant coffee, with the hopes that after I cooled it and combined it with condensed milk I would have a fair impersonation of a Thai iced coffee, without having to pay for it. Or only having to pay for the condensed milk and coffee this once. I forget that food from the supermarket costs money once it's in my apartment. Sunk cost and all.
I bought the cheapest instant coffee at the store, Cafe Caribe in festive yellow and green. I am doubtful that Cafe Caribe contains any cafe. When I put it in water, a suggested one teaspoon per cup, it turned the water brown, but it smelled like a mixture of soy sauce and molasses. The water, no longer water, definitely not coffee, tasted vaguely bitter. So I kept adding more coffee. It got darker but still doesn't taste a thing like coffee. It'll probably be good with condensed milk though.
While at the supermarket purchasing coffee I started wondering about Entenmann's baked goods. Why do they always have a stand-alone display section? It'd be one thing if Entemann's products were all in one place, that'd still be an exception to the usual rules for sweets, as cookies and donuts and cakes would all have to be shelved in the same place, not spread throughout the baked good's aisle, but they're not even in the baked good's aisle. In my Chicago supermarket they were on an island in the milk & cheese aisle, here they're in front of the produce, first thing you see when you walk in. Do you think they pay extra? or just sell well? I might have to call and find out.


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