Tuesday, June 08, 2004

The city teaches you new things everyday

A recent change in the quality of New York City heat, mostly that it has ceased disappearing, confirms that it's no longer spring, but hot summer in the city, almost a whole three weeks before the 21st.
Difficult though it was, I've already come up with one complaint about the lovely weather, and that is the emergence of a very strange biological smell making random and frequent appearances between my apartment and the Grand Street subway station. It's definitely organic and definitely nasty and unlike anything I've ever smelled before. A friend of mine described it as smelling like "someone had been sliced open" which is totally wrong, but captures it's nastiness nicely. It smells kind of like shit, were shit mustier, less pungent, all encompassing, and in some state of decomposition. Part of the trouble with not being able to identify it is that I can't quite ignore it, i.e hold my breath, as I'm too troubled that there exists some oft repeated smell with a discrete origin that I can't identify.


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